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CT endcap upgrade kit

Artikelnummer: AA-ENDO-CTCAP-UPGD-BC

121,00 EUR
Incl. 21% BTW Excl. verzendkosten
Verzendkosten: Gratis verzending in Europa
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AccuAir Suspension ENDO-Tank with internal compressors are re-imagined, innovative air supplies to offer your air suspension system. Creating a streamlined appearance and available in a choice of styles, the ENDO-CT tanks feature internal Wabco compressors that refill the tank with completely dry air at a rate twice as fast as the current market standard unit, while the ENDO-CVT models also include valve-integrated tank caps for an all-in-one package that is easy to mount. With the CVT tanks you can choose either 2 or 4-corner solenoids. Both the CT and CVT tanks are available in 3 and 5 gallon capacities, as well as several finishes. AccuAir Suspension ENDO-Tank units feature solid aluminum bodies with ports machined to be flush with the outside of the tanks. Their modular construction is weld-free and leak-free.

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