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Car lowering

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Date: 16-01-2024 Category: blogs
Car lowering

Car lowering

Are you looking for a way to improve the appearance of your car? Then lowering your car is probably for you. Lowering your car has a number of benefits that we carefully explain on this page, along with all the other practical information about lowering your car.

Lowering car

Lowering your car is a process that can be carefully performed by Adaptive Automotive. We are an authorized supplier of the leading international brands in the field of lowering systems. No car is too crazy and we are happy to take orders for lowering your car. At Adaptive Automotive, we use several different ways to lower your car. These ways are explained below so that you too know how the process works.

Lowering springs

To lower your car to exactly the desired height, we use, among other things, lowering springs for a static lowering. These springs are purchased from the highest quality brands such as Eibach, H&R, KW, AP and ST suspension. On this page you will find an overview of all the brands we work with.

Door middel van het gebruik van deze veren kunnen we een verlaging realiseren van 20 tot 35 millimeter. Wil je de hoogte zelf aan kunnen passen? Dat kan! Dan spreken we van een dynamische verlaging en hierbij wordt gebruik gemaakt van een schroefset. Bij deze optie kun je de auto verlagen van 30 tot 70 millimeter.

Car static lowering

Lowering the car in a static manner works through springs. It is not that we will simply saw off your existing springs to make them shorter, unlike some other, inexpert auto garages. This is a shortcut and is far too risky for the condition of your car. It poses traffic risks and increases the risk of possible MOT rejection.

Bij Adaptive Automotive leveren we alleen de allerbeste kwaliteit en afzagen of afslijpen doen wij dan ook niet. Bij het statisch verlagen van de auto plaatsen wij complete nieuwe veren die korter zijn dan je standaard veren. Deze veren hebben een speciale, aangepaste karakteristiek waardoor je auto comfortabel blijft rijden.

Car dynamic lowering

A coilover kit allows us to precisely tune your car's springs and shock absorbers. This provides a dynamic lowering of about 30 to 70 millimeters and is offered in different variants.For example, thereare coilover kits where you can adjust the compression, rebound, compression and rebound, and there is the option for Dynamic Damping Control where you have the choice between Comfort, Sport and Sport+. There is also a Hydraulic Lift System where one can raise and lower the car 45 mm with the push of a button.

Air suspension

Are you now looking to lower your car to the maximum and do you think 3 to 7 centimeters is not enough? Then lowering your car with air suspension is for you! With air suspension you go for maximum lowering and you can adjust the height yourself with a push of a button! There are several options to lower your car with air suspension, about which we will give you more information below.

Lowering car through air suspension

By means of a remote control you can adjust the height of your car if your vehicle is lowered with an air suspension. By pressing a button you determine the pressure in the air springs and with this you can lower or raise your car. The driving comfort is guaranteed and this is therefore a very good option if you are looking to lower your car but would still like to have the option of turning it back up.

Active suspension control

Active Suspension Control is a system that connects to your original air suspension. With this system, you have the ability to adjust the height of your car through an app on your phone. So this system provides optimal usability and with it you can adjust the height of your car without any problem.

Automatic lowering links are special links equipped with an air or hydraulic suspension system. These links are adjustable, and by using this feature, you can influence your car's ride height sensors, so the car will lower.

Car lowering pros and cons

In short, there are plenty of ways to have your car lowered, But why choose a car lowering in the first place? There are a number of advantages to lowering your car. For instance, it is often performed because of the appearance it offers to your car. It just looks good when the car is a little lower, which is why you often see it in games and in American culture. In the Netherlands, however, you do not see this style much on public roads.

It also has advantages for driving. The center of gravity of your car is a little lower, so you will have better road holding. You will go through corners more smoothly and your car will drive over uneven roads more easily. Perhaps the only downside to lowering your car is that you will occasionally have trouble with speed bumps that are too high. However, this is well solved by taking a flexible system for your car lowering that allows you to change the height of your car with the push of a button. In this way, you will avoid damage from thresholds and not sacrifice comfort or style.

Still have questions about the process or simply want to contact us? You can! Go to this page to do so. We will be happy to help you further!

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